The AP Physics exam is a crucial step in showcasing your understanding of the subject and earning college credit. To ensure you’re fully prepared and can perform at your best, it’s essential to know what to expect on exam day and how to prepare effectively. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know to navigate AP Physics exam day with confidence and ease.

Before the Exam

1. Review Exam Details

  • Know the Date and Time: Confirm the date and time of your AP Physics exam and ensure you arrive well in advance.
  • Exam Location: Verify the location of the exam and familiarize yourself with the venue if possible.

2. Prepare Your Materials

  • Required Items: Bring a photo ID, your AP Student Pack, pencils, pens, and an approved calculator. Check the College Board website for a list of allowed calculators.
  • Additional Supplies: It’s a good idea to bring extra batteries for your calculator and a clear plastic bag to keep your items organized.

3. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

  • Rest Well: Aim for a full night’s sleep before the exam to ensure you’re alert and focused on test day.
  • Eat a Healthy Breakfast: Have a nutritious meal to fuel your brain and body for the exam.

During the Exam

1. Arrive Early

  • Plan Ahead: Arrive at the exam location early to avoid any last-minute stress and find your assigned seat.

2. Follow Instructions

  • Listen Carefully: Pay attention to the instructions given by the exam proctors. They will provide important information on how to proceed.
  • Read Directions: Thoroughly read the directions for each section of the exam to understand the requirements and format.

3. Manage Your Time

  • Time Allocation: Allocate time wisely between multiple-choice questions and free response sections. Stick to your planned time limits to ensure you complete all sections.
  • Keep Track: Use a watch or the provided timing device to monitor your time and avoid spending too long on any single question.

Answering the Questions

1. Tackle Multiple-Choice Questions

  • Read Carefully: Carefully read each question and all answer choices before selecting your answer.
  • Eliminate Wrong Answers: Use the process of elimination to narrow down your choices if you’re unsure about the correct answer.

2. Approach Free Response Questions

  • Organize Your Work: Clearly show all your work, including intermediate steps and calculations. Use diagrams if they help illustrate your solution.
  • Answer All Parts: Ensure you address every part of the question and provide complete explanations where required.

After the Exam

1. Review Your Experience

  • Reflect: Take a moment to reflect on how the exam went. Identify areas where you felt confident and areas where you may need improvement for future exams.

2. Relax and Recharge

  • Take a Break: After the exam, allow yourself some downtime to relax and recharge. Celebrate your hard work and effort.

3. Await Results

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye out for the release date of your AP exam scores and review them when they become available.

How Key2PHYSICS Can Help

1. Practice and Preparation

  • Interactive Problem Sets: Use Key2PHYSICS to practice and prepare for the types of questions you’ll encounter on the exam.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Benefit from instant feedback on practice problems to refine your problem-solving skills.

2. Track Progress

  • Learning Charts: Utilize real-time learning charts to monitor your progress and identify areas needing further focus before exam day.

3. Support and Resources

  • Customizable Resources: Access customizable resources and problem sets to tailor your study sessions to specific needs and topics.


Being well-prepared for the AP Physics exam involves more than just understanding the material; it also includes knowing what to expect on exam day and how to manage your time effectively. By following these tips and utilizing resources like Key2PHYSICS, you can approach the exam with confidence and perform at your best. Good luck, and remember that thorough preparation is the key to success!