Free response questions on the AP Physics exam can be daunting, but with the right strategies and preparation, students can approach these questions with confidence. In this blog post, we’ll provide practical tips for tackling AP Physics free response questions effectively. Whether you’re a student preparing for the exam or an educator looking to help your students succeed, these strategies will be invaluable.

Understand the Question Format

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Types of Questions

  • Free response questions often involve multi-step problems that require students to apply their understanding of physics concepts.
  • Questions may include problem-solving, explanation of concepts, and application of formulas.

2. Read the Question Carefully

  • Start by reading the entire question to understand what’s being asked.
  • Identify the key concepts and the specific requirements of the problem.

Organize Your Response

1. Break Down the Problem

  • Identify Given Information: List out all the known variables and information provided in the question.
  • Determine What’s Required: Clearly define what needs to be solved or explained.

2. Develop a Strategy

  • Outline the steps you will take to solve the problem.
  • Write down relevant equations and formulas before starting your calculations.

Write Clearly and Systematically

1. Use Proper Units and Notation

  • Always include units in your calculations and answers.
  • Use proper scientific notation and symbols to avoid confusion.

2. Show All Work

  • Clearly show each step of your calculations, including intermediate steps.
  • Explain your reasoning and how you arrived at each step, not just the final answer.

3. Use Diagrams and Graphs

  • If applicable, draw diagrams or graphs to help illustrate your solution.
  • Label all parts of the diagram and refer to it in your explanation.

Practice and Review

1. Practice with Past Exam Questions

  • Work through past free response questions to get familiar with the format and types of problems.
  • Review the scoring guidelines to understand what the graders are looking for in a high-scoring response.

2. Time Yourself

  • Practice solving free response questions within the allotted time to improve your time management skills during the exam.

Utilize Key2PHYSICS Resources

1. Interactive Problem Sets

  • Use Key2PHYSICS’s customizable problem sets to practice free response questions on various topics.
  • Tailor the problem sets to focus on areas where you need more practice.

2. Instant Feedback

  • Get immediate feedback on your practice problems to identify and correct mistakes.
  • Use feedback to refine your problem-solving approach and improve your responses.

3. Real-Time Learning Charts

  • Track your progress and identify areas needing additional focus with Key2PHYSICS’s learning charts.
  • Use these insights to guide your study efforts and target specific areas for improvement.


Tackling AP Physics free response questions requires a blend of understanding, organization, and practice. By familiarizing yourself with the question format, organizing your responses clearly, practicing regularly, and utilizing resources like Key2PHYSICS, you can enhance your ability to handle these challenging questions effectively. Equip yourself with these strategies to approach the free response section of the AP Physics exam with confidence and improve your performance.